C19 COVID Counter
Personal Project, 09.2022
C19 is, as its name suggests, an indicator for daily COVID-19 infections in Tokyo. I wanted to have an interior-like object
that subtly suggests awareness, rather than stressing us too much from daily Corona-related newses.
The device accesses to the web every hour, fetches the number of daily infections in Tokyo. The brass weight hanging
from the device is controlled by a small stepper motor, roughly indicates the daily infections by it's height.
To evaluate the MicroPython, this project was completely coded by MicroPython. Daily infections number is fetched from
A4988 Stepper Driver
28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor
Development Environment:
MicroPython esp32-idf3-20191220-v1.12.bin
Pymakr on VSCode
The COVID counter from front.